News & Media

Cannabis Business Times
3 Tips to Build Your Cultivation Team for Peak Productivity

CULTA is Mining the Maryland Medical Market

The Buckeye Buildout: How Andy Rayburn, co-founder and CEO of Ohio’s Buckeye Relief, and his team developed the state’s top-ranked application and built a state-of-the-art cultivation facility in record time.

The CrossFit Journal
Matt Bickel: Cultivating Change

The CrossFit Journal
Bickel Bike Challenge

Tattooed Media
RXSmartGear Tips: Matt Bickel
Case Studies

Innovator Spotlight: Buckeye Relief

Innovator Spotlight: CULTA

Buckeye Relief

The Doctor Is In:
What Plants Crave feat. Jeremy Shechter: Cultivating Culture in Cannabis

CrossFit Podcast Shorts:
Legalizing Marijuana

The Real Dirt with Chip Baker
How to Become a Cannabis Consultant

The Real Dirt with Chip Baker
From Growing Cannabis to Cannabis Consulting

CrossFit Podcast Ep. 17.25:
Matthew Bickel
Matthew Bickel used to weigh 450 pounds. Now, at 280 pounds, he’s excited to share his CrossFit experience with others struggling to find motivation.

CrossFit Podcast Ep. 18.09:
Matt Bickel & Sam Dancer
Matt Bickel is back on the show, joined by banana-hammock-wearing Sam Dancer. The new housemates discuss training, faith, and their health and fitness goals.

Invictus Mindset
Matt Bickel: Exploring a Holistic Health Approach
“Bickel’s love for great cannabis, proven methods and natural ability to communicate to both cultivators and corporate investors is what separates him from most consultants. There’s nobody I trust more.”
– Chip Baker, Podcast Host, the real dirt